CAM Certificate
Minimum Environmental Criteria

We produce
with a sustainable impact

The environmental awareness is no longer negligible in the age we currently live in, therefor TCS adapt company operations to be more responsible.

Planning and implementation politics that privilege natural materials, investments in energy saving technologies to reduce the energy consumption, implementing waste recycling politics, obtaining CAM certificate, which guarantee the minimum environmental criteria for each product and/or service.

The CAM conformity check considers many factors during the entire life cycle of the product: from the determination of recycled content, to emissions of volatile and hazardous organic substances, to the sustainable management of its disposal.

These are some actions that TCS took not only as a duty, but also s an opportunity to build a collective mindset orientated towards the well-being of the planet and the future for everybody.

Not only sustainable production, but also responsible waste disposal.

Together we can make the planet
a better home.